Friday, August 7, 2015

Warnings of Severe Space Weather As Nibiru Advances

"Try changing the solenoids." Tom Cruise, War of the Worlds 2005

Recently, the UK government issued warning of impending and progressing severe space weather (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills). The UK is identifying future priorities and attempting to adequately prepare for the risks and possible consequences of severe space weather (which includes EMP, electro-magnetic pulse). Plans include having back-up systems ready where possible, and governmental agencies prepared to counter devastating effects upon the technologies and infrastructure modern day lives depend upon.

The UK's warning is essentially applicable to everyone because space weather impacts all life on planet Earth.

Space weather occurs as the result of the Sun's activities and includes:

Solar flares, solar energetic particles, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

Published on July 28, 2015, Version 2.1 "Space Weather Preparedness Strategy" (pdf here); page 7/40:

"i. Solar flares produce intense Ultraviolet and X-Rays that reach the UK within minutes; these cause disruptions to High Frequency (HF) communications, particularly affecting trans-oceanic aviation routes during daytime hours.

ii. Solar energetic particles reach the Earth in less than an hour. These lead to radiation storms that cause: increased exposure to radiation for passengers and aircrew in flight, particularly at high altitude on polar routes faults in electronic systems at aviation altitudes; systems faults and damage to satellites and disruption to HF communications at high latitudes, particularly affecting trans-polar aviation routes.

iii. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are explosive eruptions on the sun, which cause large parts of the corona (the Sun’s atmosphere) to blast away. This solar phenomenon is the most concerning element of severe space weather as it has the potential to cause the most severe impacts. CMEs travel much more slowly than radiation from solar flares and solar energetic particles, arriving at Earth between one and four days after being ejected by the sun. Generally, the faster they travel, the greater the magnitude of any impacts. CMEs can cause power outages; disruption of satellite operations and telecommunications services including Global Navigation Satellite Systems." (Ibid)

Severe space weather impacts:  The UK publication lists thirteen areas of infrastructure impact (the U.S. identifies eighteen, with an additional seventeen areas of infrastructure dependent upon electricity):  communications, emergency services, energy, financial services, food, government, health, transport, water, civil nuclear, defense, space, chemicals. And the publication further makes clear the concerns of high risk for significant loss of lives and casualties, and vulnerabilities impacting "national security, national defence, and functioning of the state". (Ibid).

"There is no clear pattern on when these eruptions happen." (Ibid)

However, like the UK publication, NASA, also would prefer us to believe severe space weather is solely attributed to the Solar Maximum or Solar Max. Nibiru's arrival isn't mentioned, yet NASA is aware of both Planet X/Nibiru's approach and effects on Earth as well as other planets in our solar system (NASA knows about Nibiru).

NASA's theory is the Sun repeats cyclical, predictable periods of waning activity climaxing into increased activity before weakening again. During a solar maximum of increased sun activity large numbers of sunspots are observed, and the sun's irradiance output grows by about 0.07% (Wikipedia).

Solar maximums cycle on average 11 years, but may vary from 9 to 14 years, between weakest to strongest levels of Sun activity. NASA stated there was a solar maximum in 2000 and declared the subsequent solar maximum had occurred again in 2014. 

NASA source linked here .

Some at Wikipedia appear inclined to believe the solar maximum theory "too technical" for some, and thus beyond general comprehension as evidenced by Wikipedia's disclaimer to their posting:

"Main article: Solar cycle
 ...This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page...The lead section of this article may need to be rewritten. (February 2012)...This article may be too technical for most readers to understand. (February 2012)...This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject. (February 2012)"

Obama, When will you tell the people about Nibiru?
You have the chance to save many lives;
why do you withhold truth?

One observation about some lawyers is their attention to "wordsmithing" (a term used by one attorney regarding his actions and attention to words and verbal statements). Lawyers usually pick their words carefully; "will" is not the same as "may"; therefore, it's reasonable to say Napolitano's use of "cyber event" isn't necessarily the same as those saying "cyber attack". In other words, cyber event and cyber attack are not necessarily synonymous; same results, but different means.

Seems Napolitano wasn't referring to incidents such as the recent cyber attacks for which the Russians may or may not be responsible for either. And it's difficult now to believe most of the news emanating from MSM given the fact only 6 corporations are controlling all MSM, coupled with MSM's seemingly lack of association with the truth. (Russia eyed in Joint Chiefs email intrusion)

None of the reported cyber attacks or events thus far have yet to "serious(ly) effect...our lives, our economy and the everyday functioning of our society..." on the scale Napolitano seems to refer to.


Like Napolitano or not, she gave the public warning approximately 2 years ago, while Obama waits. In the interim, MSM still does a bang-up job making sure the majority of the public pays no heed because distractions are provided aplenty - we are continually bombarded with MSM distractions and disinformation.

"The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations." (Wikipedia)

Nibiru/Planet X - Watch for the two suns

Recently, as JADE HELM 15 exercises began, the U.S. has been experiencing random, wide-spread cell phone and internet outages (some reports are fiber-optic lines have been vandalized). However, there is a possibility some of these wide-spread outages are due to space weather impacting our satellites.

Yet, MSM remained silent on the aforementioned outages, and also doesn't regularly monitor and report space weather (expected to become severe), ground radiation levels, etc. to the public. It's business as usual. 

Still, the self-initiated can seek out sources and information on the Web - but only for as long as the communications systems remain intact.

Knowledge is power. Let's empower ourselves.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

ISIS/CIA Backed To Attack the Southwest U.S.A. - False Flag Chatter

"...working in U.S. Military Intelligence the Fall of 1967, in the Republic of Vietnam, we had 'background chatter' about a pending massive enemy attack to take place during the 1968 Chinese Lunar New Year celebration called 'Tet'. I learned the hard way to pay attention to background chatter."    John Moore (Nibiru's Connection with JADE HELM 15 )

If you had a chance to stop a false flag operation - would you? It seems more probable than not we'll have one, again, on U.S. soil. And it will occur in the Southwest - the same States already mapped out for Operation JADE HELM 15. Reviewing the Dave Hodges article to follow in a link below, this likely false flag appears to have the potential of being both enormous and brutal.

False Flags attacks have been used throughout history ("10 False Flag Operations That Shaped Our World"). The patterns are the same; and some current patterns now in place include:

  • the Obama Administration allowed porous borders for years, and limited U.S. Border Patrol agents by denying weapons for their own protection, ignoring reports of illegal crossings, not allowing full patrol of all U.S. lands (see "U.S. Border Remains Unsecured and linked You Tube video by NAFBPO here)
  • illegal crossings allowed an influx of ISIS terrorists, and other "high value" Russian and Chinese individuals into the U.S.
  • Russian Spetsnatz are currently observed in the U.S. (Minnesota, Colorado, Missouri...)
  • Judicial Watch has reported ISIS camps within eight miles of the U.S. near El Paso, Texas ("ISIS Camp a Few Miles From Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm" article)
  • the Fast and Furious Program provided weapons into Mexico; used against U.S. Border Patrol agents
  • the CIA created, and backs ISIS (You Tube video, Ben Swann's "Truth In Media: Origin of ISIS")
  • the U.S. military are practicing humanitarian aid in case of natural disaster, refugee assistance exercises 

"I made the point in 2005, and still believe, that the reason for Martial Law must be a pretext and have no connection to Planet X. The reason being people will 'go along' with Martial Law due to race riots and/or an economic collapse and/or Islamic terrorist attacks as being reasonable and prudent. Telling people to do anything once they find out about the threat of Planet X simply will not work. 

The three most likely scenarios for this pretext (as of May 2015) are a race war and/or an economic collapse, followed by Islamic Terrorist (i.e. ISIS) attacks. I would be remiss to not mention the clear and present danger posed by Russian and Chinese troops on U.S. soil and in nearby Mexican staging areas."  John Moore

Dave Hodges connects the dots: "A Massive ISIS/CIA Backed Paramilitary Invasion of the American Southwest is Ready to Commence (article):

When looking at the map from leaked JADE HELM 15 documents, the particular area labeled "Insurgent Pocket" in southern California becomes a little clearer in meaning after reading Dave Hodges' article (linked above).

The majority of Americans should already be aware of reported gang activities in the U.S.; and the gang name MS-13, and Mexican drug cartels Los Zetas and Sinaloas also should sound familiar to most.

Barrio 18 has received less mainstream media (MSM) reporting, however, it's been in existence since around the 1960s and reported at around 35,000 members throughout Central America, Canada, and the U.S. Likewise, MS-13 members are operating throughout the U.S., too; some Brunswick citizens may be surprised it includes their town. No place has been out of reach. MS-13 has the dubious distinction of being the hit-men and child sex-traffickers for the drug cartels. If you haven't reviewed the NAFBPO You Tube video, it's highly informative; linked in the article. (Please note it's very disturbing and graphic; here).

"...when one speaks of MS-13, one is speaking about a terrorist network that is connected to forces which spans the entire globe and includes the international terrorist network which is funded and run by the CIA. It is...a well established historical fact that CIA created al-Qaeda following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. MS-13 was a part of the CIA backed Air-America drug business designed to raise money for covert CIA operations in places like Iran and Nicaragua." (Dave Hodge's article linked above).

Condensed in a most simplistic view, these above groups are now cohesive and include ISIS/CIA backed individuals, Hamas, Hezbollah, San Salvadorian and U.S.-trained Peruvian Army elements.

What had been previously reported as a single ISIS entity has now blossomed into an enormous, capable, brutal, and highly destructive force - aided, encouraged, trained, and financially supported by our own governmental agencies.
How can we stop this false flag operation?

Remember: "The purpose is to deceive the public for their support towards an agenda." Therefore, if we cannot be deceived, they lose the public support and their agenda fails. Make sure others receive and understand this information, too; make it viral.

Please wake up!

Dave Hodges has been able to connect the dots. An impending false flag has been expected by many, but exactly how that was to come about remained elusive. Until now. Hodges' article is lengthy, but it's imperative to understand the information given and the implications.

"There is no question that this article is not for the 'easily entertained' crowd. When one examines the totality of facts and interconnections among these terrorist groups, with the CIA at the hub, there can be little doubt that the coup beta testing and the paramilitary training of terrorist groups and the beta tests being conducted against US government entities, is going to be fully turned lose on American soil."