Friday, February 6, 2015

Who Let ICLEI In, Brunswick?

"And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go to?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself
My God!...What have I done?!"              Talking Heads, "Once in a Lifetime"

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI, pronounced "ICK-LY") is a non-government organization (NGO), private, non-profit lobbying and policy group; a spin-off by the UN in 1990 to implement Agenda 21 locally, throughout the world (Rosa Koire). ICLEI is headquartered in Bonn, Germany, and helps create Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) using regional boards that are not elected and, therefore, not answerable to the citizenry.

ICLEI should stand for Ideally Conning Local Entities Incessantly, in my opinion; because it's a con on the grandest scale. The "Public" part is taxpayer money for Private develop a sustainable world, with very little say in the matter. PPPs are about using other people's money to benefit private businesses including reaping of profits, supposedly for improving society and communities. And "local" is a guise, as the intent is to infiltrate at the roots level and then spread further PPPs globally, mandating participating countries to pay "global taxes" (see information about G20 Summit, "Low Gas Prices to be Followed by a Bank Bail-In?" January 24, 2015).
One of ICLEI's USA Board of Directors is Jeb Brugmann (ICLEI founder, Sustainability Strategist). From the website information, Mr. Brugmann is written as having conceived and founded the worldwide "Local Agenda 21" initiative known as ICLEI. The foundation of ICLEI's reason for existing is global warming. However, recall "global warming" is fabricated by a think tank established in 1968, as mentioned in "Club of Rome and the Origins of Global Warming" (January 26, 2015). And to reiterate, the evidence is from The Club of Rome's publication, found in the UN's website list of publications, "The First Global Revolution":

" searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came upon the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill."

So who let ICLEI into Brunswick? Seems reasonable to believe it may have started with the Planning Department, as ICLEI holds seminars and workshops, acts as consultants and helps planners "aid" communities by designing and selling systems that monitor environmental concerns and report and control water and energy use. ICLEI also helps guide planners in Comprehensive Plans and sustainability measures for sustainable community and development.

ICLEI appears to have been the main focus in the 2009 American Planning Association (APA) National Conference. According to the newsletter, Anna Brienich (AICP Commissioner and Planning Director of Brunswick) helped staff the two-day workshop prior to the annual Texas APA conference where Michelle Wyman, Senior Advisor to the ICLEI USA Board "motivated her audience (by) sharing her vision for a sustainable community..." and "Sustainability permeated" the conference program.

Certainly Mr. Manager (former town councilor, Joanne King's name for the town manager) should've been well-aware of ICLEI being part of UN Agenda 21. But what about the Town Councilors and citizens? Wonder how many people in the town even knew what crept into Brunswick.

Currently, the ICLEI website isn't listing all towns and cities which have membership with them. However, this must've been a relatively recent change because previously the list existed; now it's just a graphic of balloons with number of community members, no names. In searching the web there are other sites with such lists which have been cached. Brunswick and other towns previously listed as members aren't on this particular list from 2013 but shows up in other cached lists; however there's a document (Brunswick-Climate-Action-Plan pdf) on-line showing ICLEI's involvement in Brunswick. Since global warming was fabricated, the scientific data comprising a large part of the Brunswick-Climate-Action-Plan itself is moot. But the taxpayer's money is still being spent.

Sustainability plans also include codes, as mentioned in "Watch for Creeping Codes" (February 1, 2015). Surreptitiously, the UN's Agenda 21 is involved in creating International Codes; not U.S. codes on state and local levels with citizen involvement, but global codes. Clearly, the citizenry is to be muted throughout the process. When concerned citizens spoke against the International Property Maintenance Code in Summit Hill Borough in Pennsylvania, the town's attorney said the International Property Maintenance Codes weren't in any way affiliated with UN Agenda 21, and a councilor called the citizens' protests "fear mongering". Both of those people are wrong. Wonder who they are working for and if the majority of councilors and selectmen anywhere in the U.S. represent the best interests of their citizenry for which they were elected.

ICLEI is, indeed, in collusion with the International Codes Council as evidenced by a recent ICLEI USA @ ICLEI_USA tweet, January 30: "Big news: Plan for rising seas in all federal projects Now let's address climate in building codes @IntlCodeCouncil".

The following YouTube video is approximately twenty-four minutes and an excellent review of UN Agenda 21 by Tom DeWeese, and he talks about how the convoluted UN Agenda 21 system has reached all areas of our lives and at local levels as seen in Brunswick (due to technical difficulties, this particular video will not embed as previous ones have, but here's the link):

Tom DeWeese: Agenda 21 & International Redistribution of Wealth; CSPOA presentation

This opinion is in no way saying we shouldn't be concerned about our environment, looking for ways to reduce waste, and caring for our planet and communities. As previously mentioned, many are already on-board in finding ways to lessen their own personal impacts on the planet. What's occurring with UN Agenda 21 is insidious, and those in power have intentionally permeated all aspects of our lives, including education, and individual freedoms using the guise of environmental concerns in order to line their own pockets.

Citizens of Brunswick haven't been the only ones snookered; they're in plenty of good company with several towns and cities across the nation. But if you dig into the web, articles are showing that people are catching on, and getting UN Agenda 21's missions out of their towns. Therefore, it's not too late to realize what's actually going on, to speak up, and make some changes while we still have the chance.

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