Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Qui Bono?

Applicable to Brunswick, too. The microcosm within the macrocosm.

Not much changes in small town, U.S.A. and perhaps it's one of the most endearing qualities if one's wishing to keep the blinkers on. The eminence of local paper fame appears likewise unchanged and unfazed through the years, preferring to look upon those not in lockstep agreement as stupid and deplorable. Curmudgeon and cognitive dissonance personified. Wish it could be lovable curmudgeon, but nope, he's still the same. 

Likewise, it's the same heard from the other side of town... the same complaints about increasing taxes, "what the heck are they doing with our money?", and the same problematic police department still headed by Chief Richard Rizzo also of dubious distinction and previously mentioned.

BPD "lost" seven officers in 2016 according to Rizzo, as he struggles to hire more in 2017, specifically complaining about the lack of qualified applicants...

Rizzo -  extremely concerning, disappointing and not in accordance with the high moral standards expected from (his) officers...we have a great police department... we have high standards and this is really an aberration...it's embarrassing to me, my officers, this town...

Yes, it is. An aberration of high moral standards of Rizzo's police department? Not exactly true. BPD has a history of falsifying police reports, and not only were these actions by some officers but also by Chief Rizzo himself. Also fact, some of Rizzo's officers violated federal and state laws. Is this applicable to just BPD? Sadly, no. The microcosm as evidenced by BPD/Brunswick is as also evident in the macrocosm of our country. Another fact, we have some in law enforcement who are also perpetrators of human trafficking, including child sexual abuse and sex trafficking and drug trafficking/drug rat line protection (see "Timothy Holmseth Update - Serious Findings Disclosed" ). Perhaps it's not that many young people are unqualified or don't want to work long hours, but rather they're more aware of the hypocrisy and bifurcation of our laws. The digital age brings law "enforcement" corruption and crimes readily to the forefront as evidenced by YouTube uploads and CopBlock ("Cop Block/Reporting Police Abuse, Brutality and Corruption - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights"). One would have to be blind not to see it ... or entrenched in cognitive dissonance.


But are all law enforcement corrupt? Thankfully no, there are many excellent people in law enforcement, and many whistleblower police officers who've paid a high price. Some comment that even those officers knowing about the corrupt, criminal practices of others who choose to say nothing are just as corrupt...and the same has been said of those elected and paid town staff, State officials, district attorneys and assistant district attorneys who are similarly choosing to partake and/or look the other way.

How can any of these corrupt machinations be changed? Is there any hope for change? Yes, according to whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts, President of Solari, Inc., publisher of The Solari Report, managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC and former Assistant Secretary of U.S. HUD we have the power to stop the corruption, fraud, abuse and "personal enrichment" slugs. And the greatest impact we as individuals can make is beginning and organizing at the local levels. Fitts says only about five to ten percent of the population are aware/awake, about 80 percent are oblivious, ignorant and only about five to ten percent are "slugs". These slugs are the piggies at the trough looking solely for personal enrichment, personal gain. Follow the money and ask qui bono? (Who benefits?) Further, Fitts reiterates the importance of our U.S.Constitution, it's a "miracle", and anyone proclaiming it's outdated and needs to be replaced likely has ulterior motives. Again, qui bono? If we push for full adherence to the rule of law instead of allowing the bifurcation of it, we'll see positive changes. Alternatively, if we allow those corrupt, criminal slugs to continually "get out of jail free", Fitts is telling us the corruption will become one hundred times worse - it won't ever get better. Fitts says we the people have been financially harvested for many years. And if the vast 80% decline to wake up to the realities, in a very short period of time we'll be witnessing a complete enslavement of the people as that's their goal.

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