"We're in the end times," says my neighbor.
Information regarding the Nemesis system is being dispersed in piecemeal fashion. The following BBC documentary excerpt uploaded by Higher Truth YouTube Channel appears an attempt, by those in control, to present relatively new knowledge, when in fact, they've known this since at least 1983. As previously mentioned in Free Brunswick, Robert S. Harrington, about to publish his findings, died from sudden cancer. Could knowledge of the impending approach of this system partially explain the vast, blatant corruption and preparations which have been ramping up since that time? In other words, it seems they didn't care and proceeded in ratlines (illegal operations in moving and profiting from arms, uranium, drugs, oil, minerals, and humans including slavery, sex slavery of children, human organ harvesting - George Webb) and protected each other because they have known full well what's upon us... and intend to hide away.
"BBC Documentary On Planet 9x"
BBC Documentary - A Higher Truth Production link here
They're attempting to control the narrative.
Mockingbird Media wants us to focus on a fake Russian "Pee pee" Dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, Obama et al, and similar salacious nonsense reports. Mueller's investigation's akin to Ken Starr's Clinton investigation - millions of dollars of taxpayers' money wasted on a "$70 million bag of garbage"; they're playing the same game and know the outcome. The distractions are attempts to keep us from knowledge and many issues including the reality of an opioid crisis they created and continue to profit from (Project Cassandra) - and other highly-profitable lines of human trafficking, human satanic rituals, and human organ recovery/harvesting perhaps being the most shocking to the average American.
They want us focused on some kind of enemy, even among others in our communities, when in fact they are the enemies and traitors of us, our country, and humanity. No surprise they're looking to hide.
One would have to also be completely oblivious not to notice the systematic censoring taking place. Where are all the voices in protest to propaganda and censoring?
Microcosm - censoring began years ago in Brunswick as town council sought to silence those who don't agree with them and/or those reporting on town employees violating laws. Brunswick isn't the only one, similar instances are found all across the nation in other local and state governments. Macrocosm - censoring, particularly material deemed conservative or alt right in "social media" Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and those commenting as such. There are reprisals for those saying "MAGA", displaying a U.S.A. flag, or exposing numerous individuals within communities and our government engaged in child sexual abuse. Yet, these same media allow for pedophile groups and uploads of material representing the same.
No bunkers for us.
As previously written in Free Brunswick regarding the Nemesis system:
Warnings of Severe Space Weather As Nibiru Advances
FEMA Warns of Massive Natural Disaster
Do the research first.
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Vatican sculpture |
The following comment from Higher Truth Channel video:
All of what Don Hall has commented on can be researched. And as reported by Higher Truth Channel, NASA has published almost 200 research papers related to much of what's listed by Hall. The information is there... for now.